Jewellery with stones from TERES collection (“rounded” in Latin) are like ancient messages polished by the ocean itself, carefully carried on shore; they are ready to make happy everyone who finds them. Special meaning of each piece can be discovered with Latin inscriptions – little mysteries written under the transparent lens of natural amethysts, aquamarines, topazes and rock crystals.
You can purchase jewelry from TERES collection in our online shop HERE.

LUX / gaisma /свет / light

GUTTA / ūdens lāse / a drop of water / капля воды

LUCUS / svētā birze /священная роща / sacred grove

CIRCUS CANDENS / Piena ceļš / Млечный путь / The Milky Way

MATRI CARISSIMAE / vismīļākai mammai / любимейшей матери / to the beloved mother

CANDIDA NUNC MOLLI SUBEANT CONVIVIA LUCO, BLANDITIAEQUE FLUANT PER MEA COLLA ROSAE / Теперь пора устраивать блистательные пиры в нежной роще, пусть розы, ниспадая по моей шее, ласкают ее / Now let the white-robed banquet seek soft shelter of the grove, and o’er my neck let the caressing roses flow (Propertius)

AMOR EST VITAE ESSENTIA mīlestība ir dzīves būtība / любовь есть сущность жизни / love is the essence of life

OMNE SOLUM FORTI PATRIA EST, UT PISCIBUS AEQUOR, UT VOLUCRI, VACUO QUICQUID IN ORBE PATET / every land is a homeland for the courageous man, as water is a homeland for the fish, as everything that lies open in the airy circle of the sky is a homeland for the bird / храбрым отчизна везде, как рыбам морское пространство, или для птицы простор всюду на круге земном

IN PACE / in peace / mierā / в мире

FACILE / легко / viegli / easy

GAUDIUM / prieks / joy / радость

CONCIPIO PECTORE ROBUR / ощущать в груди силу / just krūtīs spēku

AQUA / ūdens / вода / water